Thursday, February 3, 2011

Finally February!!

I love most times of the year, but (despite it being Pj's and my birthday month and also Valentine's Day), I can't stand January and February.  They are long, cold, icky, long (did I say that already?;-)) months.... and I think we could do without them.  Winter is fun until Christmas.... the first snow is magical and cold days call for lots of hot chocolate.  But by December 26th, I'm ready for spring.  Or at least windy, rainy March! 

That being said, life in our house has been fairly slow the past month or so.  Trey and I have been housebound most days.  But Trey is making the most of it!  So here is a quick update on him:
  1. Trey loves to twirl.  He usually does it when he hears the music for Veggie Tales (still his favorite show).  He will go round and round and round, get really dizzy, and then fall down and usually hurts himself and runs to me crying!  But he does it again despite getting hurt.
  2. Trey gives real kisses now!  He's done it before every now and then, but the past week if I ask him for a kiss, he will come up and give me a big sloppy kiss on the cheek!  So sweet:-)
  3. Trey's vocabulary has skyrocketed!  I seriously wouldn't even be able to list all the words he can say now.  Some of them are "Cracker", "Book", "Poop", "Tent", "Fish" (for "Goldfish"), and "Cheese".
  4. He loves to attack Daddy and wrestle with him, all the time growling like a bear or something!
  5. When he watches TV, he will gather every single stuffed animal he can find, AND every pillow and blanket and they must be with him on the couch... so there isn't much room left for me to sit with him anymore;-)
  6. He loves to play kickball... and he's pretty good at it... working in some footwork these days.  I have a feeling we'll  be starting him in soccer early on.  He obviously inherited his hand/eye coordination skills from his Dad!
  7. Obsession with crayons.  I have to hide them!  If he sees them, he HAS to have them.  He colors a little bit, but mostly he likes to just hold them or organize them in the box they go in.  We are currently learning NOT to color the carpet.  Our beige carpet has a few colored spots.  I'll have to research how to get that out!
  8. He sings now!  Usually when music is playing, you'll hear him do it.  He can't hold a tune AT ALL yet, but we're hoping for the best;-)
  9. Lastly, ketchup goes on everything edible apparently!  All I have to do to get Trey to eat something (he is a picky eater) is to let him dip it in ketchup.  Sometimes it's pretty gross.  For instance, he was dipping his green beans in it the other day!  But atleast he's eating;-)
We have Trey's 15 month appointment in a few days and I am prepared to hear that he weights 5 tons.... atleast that's what it feels like carrying him around these days.  I have to let him walk most times because he's getting too heavy for me.  He's well over 31 inches too in height.  He's starting to fit in some of his 18 month clothing.  My little boy is growing up so fast, losing all that chubby baby weight and becoming a crazy, energetic toddler, running and screaming around my house!  I love it:-)  Every different phase has been fun and different!

There isn't much else to report on!  Pj and I aren't as interesting I guess;-)  Pj has been enjoying alot of snow days from school lately, but is glad to be back at it before work piles up too much.  Thankfully with his line of work (much of his time spent being a disciplinarian), the kids can't get in trouble in school if they aren't in school.... so that atleast is good.  As for me, I've been pretty sick the past week.  First with a head cold, then the flu on top of that, and now I feel like I have another cold... or the first one just never left!  So I'm whipped these days!!  Looking forward to spring... I literally can't wait!  I am coping by making lots of spring/summer plans for us... trips to the zoo, park, orchard for strawberry picking... you name it!

That's it for now... till next month!!  Here are some recent pictures:-)