Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Trey!

We can't believe it's been a year since God changed our lives for the better by sending Trey to us!  It's been fun:-)  He came to us on a warm November day only 8 lbs and 5 oz and 21 1/4 inches long with a head full of reddish brown hair and big wide open eyes.  He is now nearly 23 lbs and 31 1/2 inches long, with wavy sandy blond hair and keeps us smiling every day with his antics, even when we're exhausted!  Mommy & Daddy love you Trey!

On Trey's birthday on November 6th (which happened to be on a Saturday this year!) we had a party at Pj's parent's home.  We are so thankful they let us hold it there because there is no way we would have been able to do it at our small condo.  It was pretty crazy!  Even though we just invited family that lived close by and close friends, it was still around 40 people or so.  A few of Trey's little friends came and it was fun to see them playing in the living room with the plastic balls that came with the blow-up ball pit PopPop (Pj's dad) bought and also the balloons were a big hit!  It was a Veggie Tale themed party of course, so we had alot of green and red and I had laminated some of the characters that I had drawn in Illustrator and printed out.  Trey loved his cake!  He loves all his new toys!  Lots of fun, but I think next year we will do something way smaller and simpler;-)

These days I am spending my time chasing after my little runner!  Well, not quite running, but he walks so well and so fast now that I really do have to speed up to catch him.  He LOVES to walk!  Sometimes he will just walk up and down the hallway really fast back and forth until he gets worn out.  It's cute!  I was in the store the other day and for the first time I held his hand (had to lean over a little bit since he's still so short) and we walked together through the store... which is quite a feat when you have a stroller to push as well;-).  Part of me was sad because my little boy is growing up so very fast!  Trey is always learning how to use his large crayons, but he mostly just likes to open the box, pull them out, and put them back and close the lid.  He also likes pushing toys off of chairs and tables and watching them fall and make a big noise (Mom and Dad don't like this one very much!!).  Our poor neighbors downstairs!  He loves to wrestle with Lilbit.  And of course... he still loves to watch Veggie Tales.  But Elmo is still a big winner around here.  He doesn't really watch Elmo on TV ever, but he loves Elmo book and stuffed animals.

What else is new?  Well, we've been fighting lots of colds since mid-October.  Trey's has had three in a row.  Pj is getting over one now.  And I might have had one or two.  Thankfully, I don't really get sick very often!  I've gone into germ-psycho mommy mode now!  I don't mind a cold here or there, but three in a row is just a bit too much, both for Trey's health and my energy level (long nights and days!).

Pj and I had a fun night last night!  My parents took both of us and my youngest sister Rachel to Toby's Dinner Theater to see "The Christmas Carol", the musical.  Dinner was delicious and the show was just awesome.  We had a table right next to the stage!  Those people are so talented... sometimes I get jealous wishing I could sing and dance like that.  Oh well!

Pj has been, as always, very busy with his job!  But thankfully he gets a break this week for Thanksgiving!  We're looking forward to going to my Grandfather's house in Lutherville, near Baltimore, along with my parents, siblings, aunt and cousins.  It's going to bring so many wonderful memories of Thanksgivings growing up.  When I was little all our Thanksgiving's we're at my grandparents house!  We stuffed ourselves and then my siblings and cousins and I played in the playroom in the basement or we took the bikes around the neighborhood to the playground or creek.  It's just weird to think that now I have my own little boy!

Well, that is really all there is for now!  Happy Thanksgiving everyone:-)

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